If you like your own psychology served scalding hot, pull up a chair.

Together we’ll:

  • Blow up your excuses

  • Mind-map the stuff you hide

  • Create your sharpest thinking yet

Only Join if You Can Handle:

  • Boss-level pattern disruption

  • Immediate thinking upgrades

  • Kicking open the door to your next level like you own the place—and it owes you rent

This isn’t leadership-inspo.

It’s insight with bite.

Welcome to Neural Roast ☕️

Scalding hot psychology, served 2x/week, for high-level thinkers.

Scald Scale:
☕️ Mild - 🧠 Medium - 🔥 Scalding - 💀 Existential Crisis
Today’s Roast? 🔥Scalding

I’m Katie Read.

I was a therapist. Then I trained therapists.
Then I built a coaching certification that hit 7 figures in its first year.

Now I’m the Business Therapist your coach’s coach calls secretly when they get stuck.

I’ve also pioneered an entirely new way to use AI to disrupt your patterns at their core.

Because at the highest level, the game changes.

It’s not about what you put out.
It’s about how deep you’re willing to go in.

You in?